Welcome to PPG-CComp (IME/UERJ)

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The Graduate Program in Computational Sciences (PPG-CCOMP) is part of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME) of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), at Rio de Janeiro State in Brazil. PPG-CCOMP is currently (2023-2025) coordinated by Prof. Dr. Gilson Alexandre Ostwald Pedro da Costa and by Prof. Dr. Diana Sasaki Nóbrega.

It provides Master and PhD courses for Computational Science topics (see Research lines). All professors hold PhD degrees and are selected based on a strong knowledge on a specific field, also with Interdisciplinary capabilities (see Faculty).

For detailed information on the program (including rules for admission), visit page Graduate Program.

See more information on the IME: http://www.ime.uerj.br/historia/

See more information about UERJ: http://www.uerj.br